

Water-based cream polish for marbles, marble-based agglomerates, stoneware and glazed ceramics
Water-based Creamy consistency Polishing

K100 is a multi-purpose, water-based cream to care for and restore surfaces in marble, marble-based agglomerates, stoneware, and glazed ceramics. It is used to restore the shine to surfaces when this has been reduced by wear or foot traffic, but it can also be used efficiently to restore chemical aggression and surface scratches. The product also offers good resistance to dirt and foot traffic.

K100 contains no wax but it acts directly on the material from a chemical and mechanical viewpoint.

Before and After

 K100 K100
 K100 K100
 K100 K100

Suitable for

Concrete-Marble Agglomerates

Resin-Marble Agglomerates

Glazed Ceramic

Glazed Porcelain Tiles


